Saturday, 6 April 2013


i love this online store:

the story behind this company really intrigued me. Shelley works with companies that support women in third world countries. i love that she works to carefully choose companies that truly give their profits directly to the women doing the creative work. i know that i alone can't change the life of a country, city or even just one woman. but i'm happy to help in a small way. i'm sure i'm not alone in that thinking.

i recently received an e-mail from the company listing new products that they have in stock. more jewelry designs, home decor, gifts....

it occurred to me that maybe some of my readers would be interested in the products and company as well. {{i'm not getting paid to share this!}} i just think it is an amazing way to support other women who are creative. 

i'll share a selection of my faves....but you have to go to her website to check out all of the items. 

i love the colour of this blanket. there are six layers of saris that make up each blanket. and they are totally unique.

amazing right?!

the prices are not rock bottom. you have to remember that you are not just buying a cool and unique item.... your money is also going to invest in the life of another woman who has not been as fortunate as yourself. i also love that every time you look at the blanket or whatever item you purchase you can also enjoy the feeling of doing a small part to help another person.

the products ship out right away and they arrive packaged beautifully too.....

love it!

the Parsnip Kantha Throw looked exactly like the photo in the store listing. 

this was a gift. i have to admit that i wanted to keep this for myself! part of my reason for the purchase was because the recipient has a desire to help others in rough circumstances. i thought she would appreciate knowing that her gift was not only one of a kind, but also made a difference in the life of another person.

i know i will be making more purchases in the future. not just for gifts, but also for myself. money well spent.

check it out : dignify

send others that you know are interested in pretty things and helping others at the same time.

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