Monday, 19 January 2009

i know

Christmas is way past! thought i'd share a few pages from my December Daily album.

thanks for looking!

now on to Valentines Day....

look closer...

moving on ahead to the right holiday....
tomorrow i celebrate my birthday. and i get to work for part of the day. and i'm looking forward to it! the way i see it is that it is a break from my "regular" mom-job. AND i get a paycheque! i'm sad that i won't get to work with my old class {i get to do that next week!} but i'm happy to be working with at least one of the TA's from the former class.
Aidan is excited for me to have a birthday too. for him it is all about the cake. and he loves to help with any kitchen activity. i told him i wanted a chocolate cake with chocolate icing and caramel. apparently he told Kristian what i was wanting....then sighed...and said, "this is going to be a lot of work." today Aidan suggested that maybe it would be best if i baked the cake, then he and daddy "could take care of the rest."

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