Friday, 12 February 2010

days to remember

our kids are in that phase of life that have us either banging our heads in frustration, rolling on the floor in belly laughter or simply just sighing with contentment. it is also a busy phase. we are busy going from one event or class or playdate to another. i am very thankful that we have these opportunities, but it definitely keeps life complicated.

Kiara and i made heart and blossom crayons for her playschool class. as we are peeling the paper and breaking the crayons, Kiara commented "this is fun, mommy!". of course it was. she got to break and destroy something with help from me! tonight she was playing with Aidan and we heard her suddenly cry. when i found her she claimed that Aidan had broken her heart. she did have her bag of valentines sitting in front of her, so i asked her which one. she lifts up her shirt and points to her heart. "this one", she cries. apparently one of the plush children's chairs was thrown at her. however after an apology from Aidan the tears stopped and she quickly told Aidan that she was good again. how sweet and simple! i remind myself that these are the best days. even if they are busy as we race from place to place.

we have a long weekend here. all of us are excited for the lack of a regular schedule. yay!

despite the busyness, it was a good week to scrapbook. the word for next month's DT layout is "today". i found these photos, but some of them were used for last months' layout and the colours don't work with the kit. not sure what i was thinking, but i came across this Dr. Seuss quote that just demanded to be used with these photos. nothing like a litte procrastination to drive the creative juices.....


those little legs and feet just won't evoke the same feeling in a few years. i love that they remind me that time is fleeting and to enjoy each little moment in a day. it will not return and it will never be the same. which is good!! because tomorrow will have it's own moments and joys that we can treasure.


i also did some experimenting with a new type of flower. i came across a version of these somewhere (sorry, can't remember where to give the credit), but decided to change some of the elements. i think it could still use some tweeking, but i loved how it all worked!


yes. busy schedules. growing children. stretched parents. i would not change a single thing. even those tantrums and screaming matches that float through the walls from time to time....once we have all had time to go to our corners and regroup, that is!!

i want to encourage you to think about those not so fun moments that cross your path each day. now that "the moment" has passed, think about the good that it had. sometimes those kinds of parts of the day make the week even better. like last week when Kiara "trimmed" her hair. seven days later, it has now become one of those things that we laugh about. of course we want to change some of those details....but in the end it was just hair. small stuff. small stuff that was annoying for a few days. small stuff that makes us laugh today, when we really needed it.

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