Sunday, 25 September 2011


i am so thankful that the weather has been cooperative lately. i love that i could wear shorts today! i remember it being this warm two years ago. although we did not really get a fall that year. so far there are a lot of nice colours on the trees. this week is less crazy than the past few weeks, and the weather is forecast to be nice. i hope to get out and get some photos!

i was a bit late on the tag challenge this month. i should have been more on top of my game, September can be so crazy and i had added one more project to my list this year. just a tiny playground survey for our community. who knew it would take triple the time i had allotted?!!

my challenge was to use recycling. could be one item to all of it. at least that is what i thought i had said! i made a first version that my family thought was nice. i did not agree. not even a went to the garbage! i liked my next version better once it was done.


old paper bags from Urban Scrapbook. well, one actually. torn and rolled and inked and stamped.

pages from my favourite dictionary. the bird is from a Bernard Callebaute box of chocolates. yummmm..... and some old scrabble pieces. i was thrilled that i had the letters for the initials of all the girls. i sanded them, then inked them.

my hands were orange from the ink and perfect pearl mist that i used to colour the ribbon. i managed to get it all off in minutes using my Ranger Craft Scrubbie. love that thing.

in the end i was pleased with how it turned out. and the other tags? i have to take a photo of them all. they were amazing. i'm proud of what the girls did. however, we all agreed that it was a difficult task at the time. all the NEW and exciting products were arriving at the store...and we had to raid our boring recycle boxes for this project. if you take this challenge...try it around the middle of January or July.

i taught the first of my two September Year in Review layout classes this weekend. that entire line of paper from We are Memory Keepers is one of the best fall product lines. i thought it was neat that the amazing Laura Denison also thought so. she created this entire mini album using the paper products. check out the video below:

she hosts upstream video tutorials as well. this one can be ordered from her and then she teaches you how to create it with a video.

and the next class layout is ready to be seen. yahoooo! it is great to actually be ahead of schedule on something.

here is a sneak peak....


i'll share the rest of it on Friday.

i also have a tutorial to share this week. but i have to finish my design team project first. i am excited about this one! no layout, but a project instead. it has been a lot of fun.

well off to rest for tomorrow and enjoy the Amazing Race. (my most favourite way to travel these days....lots to see and experience....without spending a cent. i don't get too caught up in the drama, but find myself dreaming about the various destinations the teams travel to. my husband and i always end up discussing whether we could enjoy being a contestant on that show. tough to look your best under pressure for such a long time.)

1 comment:

  1. First of all..that tag is totally gorgeous! I definately have to try and make one!! and that our layout???? I want to learn how to make those flowers!!!!!


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