Friday, 16 April 2010

every once in awhile

i do own a few calendars. we even know how to use them. yes, they do get used. but how in the world did it ever become the middle of April so quickly?!

i suddenly realized that the end of the month is coming. which means a DT layout for Urban. a class to teach. and prepare! as well as another class layout to design. wow! if you are looking for me in the next couple of weeks, you will find me at home, with glue stuck on my hands.

here is the layout for the class next week.


it may not appear so, but it took me into the wee hours of the morning to finish this one. don't tell anyone, but i could probably have been finished earlier if i wasn't having so much fun. shhhh.....

i told Pat that it makes me want to take a beach holiday. would it not be awesome for those who did get to spend some time on the beach during this Canadian winter? i love these colours!



this sounds really vain, but i love the colour of the inks i got to use. seriously, i don't think the computer does them the justice that is seen in real life.


the girls in my monthly class can begin to work on their thank you's for me. i really, really wanted to cut out each of those little "flowers" in the pattern paper. see, i do think of you when i design these pages!


the spiral flowers are a huge hit this year. i find it totally unbelievable how many versions there are of these babies. so simple, yet a minor change is incredible.

my creative juices are going to be working hard once again. new papers and ribbons to play with.

but i am torn.

today was warm enough to expose some skin. tee...hee...hee... capris, no coat and bare feet. after days of barely above zero and cold north winds...we should reach a high of 24 Celsius tomorrow. it is only April!

hence why i am torn. must soak up the sunshine. must scrapbook. perhaps sleep is not necessary?

we did another walk around our duck pond tonight. lots of birds seen in pairs. 4 Mallard Ducks and 2 Canada Geese were swimming around, and checking out nesting spots perhaps? it was lovely to wake up to the sounds of songbirds this morning.


i took this shot tonight. the only photoshop i did was to crop it down for the web. every once in a while this happens. a totally happy surprise!

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