Monday 18 October 2010

more inspiration

of the BAKING kind!

i came across this cake through a Twitter post Becky Higgins shared.

i am baker.

great blog.

amazing work isn't it? but it gets better....

she even goes through all the steps so that we can all make it.

i am tempted to give it a try. we'll see how the end of the month goes! but, i know right now that my icing job will not look nearly as clean and amazing as hers. to get icing that!

then i came across this as i searched for new ideas. 

Melissa Phillips shared this one. i plan to read more posts on that blog too.....HowDoesShe?

one of her recent posts has a recipe for Cinnamon Bun Pancakes. 2 of our favourite foods right there! all wrapped up in one? no way!!

i'll share a bit of my boy birthday party this week (hopefully!). we went all out with LEGO. it was a fun afternoon. my version of the lego birthday cake will not win any awards...but i was pretty proud of it. and so was the birthday success on all fronts! 

i worked at the store on Saturday. i think it was only a week that i had not been in. Halloween has taken over! Jan and Pat have created some amazing works of art. customers were ooohing and ahhhing all day. i was right in there with them! i am so lucky! i got paid and i got to spend an entire day surrounded in inspiration and fun. how awesome is that?!

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