Monday, 28 November 2011

Ho, Ho, Ho!!

i cannot believe it is nearly December! the past few months seem to have gained speed and flew by faster than ever.

i also realized this last weekend that i have designed 24 two-page layouts as well as 2 bonus single page layouts for classes. i remember wondering how i would ever be creative enough to make 11 more double page layouts after my first class.

i've learned so much in the past two years of teaching scrapbook design. it has been a fabulous journey for me. i have also met some incredible women in the process. i love that friendships have been made during the year.

on to the paper!



the layouts for December. taaa-daaaa!!

Fancy Pants Designs have really outdone themselves on these recent releases. incredible colours and design.


some of the girls groan when they see pinwheels. i love that they are gender neutral. we had done a lot of flowers lately and i felt it was time for a mini-break from them. the first time i put some on a layout was in March 2010. thank goodness we have learned more about how to create them easily and quickly. this time i will pre-cut and score all of them in the kit...using my handy-dandy-Tim Holtz/Sizzix die!

also, i do not use hot glue on mine. i have burned myself too many times. and i am too impatient to wait for the glue to heat up. then it needs to be put away....after it has cooled....and it is in my way in the meantime! ha! yup. it is the truth. my trick is to use a method i've seen Jennifer McGuire use. a glue dot/Glossy Accents combination.


Glass Glitter is the theme here. Melissa Frances markets the most beautiful colours of glass glitter.

unlike the super fine Craft Glitz glitter, you do not want to run your fingers across the top of this stuff. unless you like to injure yourself! there is no velvety softness here....just lovely sparkle to enjoy.


these are the Filter papers that Fancy Pants makes. these are made of a tissue paper.

i got a chuckle when i realized that my November technique was based on TEA dye.....and this month has a technique that we could use for COFFEE FILTERS. too funny.

i have a few spots open for this class on Saturday, December 17 at 10am. call Urban Scrapbook if you want to book a spot.

i spent many hours in the past week creating flower after flower after flower....i cannot wait to share what that is all about. it will make you gasp. i promise.

there is a busy, busy week ahead of me. again. all good stuff, though!! it will mean the blog will be quiet for the remainder of the week....but i will have LOTS of stuff to share next week.

look for more news about my Year In Review class as well.

take care! and chat with you again soon.

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